Friday, 21 September 2012

MI writes on the Rick Ross 'Hold Me Back' video shot in Nigeria

See what the rapper wrote on his website below and tell us what you think...
Does it make you angry? Does it rile you to see your country portrayed as poor and suffering and full of struggle?

It burns you, does it not? To have some foreigner- who knows nothing of your history and pain, of the stories that flow within your blood- to have this foreigner come in and tell your story? Is it not the height of disrespect and insensitivity? Does it not chafe against the thick skin you have grown to cover your other wounds?
Does it not make you angry? We should wax sanctimonious about national pride being slighted. We should vent our displeasure online. We should occupy something. Because God forbid the truth ever be told about what things really are. God forbid a stranger reminds us about those things we choose to ignore every day.
God forbid we ever face the truth about ourselves. God forbid we do not go on the internet and rail about how our country is being cast in bad light. God forbid we do not talk about how there is a small minority which lives better than portrayed. God forbid we do not ignore truth one more time. God forbid we don’t.


  1. i think MI was of same thought with me...i saw the video and i was like "y was he allowed to shoot a video showcasing Nigeria as a poor country,from the video quality to people portrayed in the video"...the lyrics content of the song has no correlation with the video...its crap!...i think that video should be banned and a lawsuit leveled against ric ross for the national unreal portray and insult on the national image and perception of this great country.

    1. u're right Leke, but you know this country, i mean it's only in Nigeria that a foreigner will come and Nigerians will act as their slave......our Govrnment are the sole cause of our Nation's problems
